"For a Blessed New Year", drawing, Stamatis Skliris, 1-9-2024

"For a Blessed New Year", drawing, Stamatis Skliris, 1-9-2024

“Three Trees”, pencil on carton, 2006, 13x16 Π68 - Τα τρία δένδρα, 2006, ζωγραφική με πένα, 13*16

“Three Trees”, pencil on carton, 2006, 13x16
Π68 - Τα τρία δένδρα, 2006, ζωγραφική με πένα, 13*16

The drawing from which came a series of painting named "The Boat we are Waiting for".

White vase, drawing, 2018

White vase, drawing, 2018

"Red Summer", drawing by ball pen, 2016.

Boat in Ocean

Porto Rafti - Map of Attica

Drawing a tree

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