“Angel Greeting Us”, acrylic on canvas, 2020, 70x47 Π58 - Άγγελος μπλε με περικοκλάδα, 2020, ακρυλικό σε μουσαμά, 70*47

“Angel Greeting Us”, acrylic on canvas, 2020, 70x47
Π58 - Άγγελος μπλε με περικοκλάδα, 2020, ακρυλικό σε μουσαμά, 70*47

Π-20-ΑΓΓΕΛΟΣ μας χαιρετά, 2020, μπλε ακρυλικό σε λευκό μουσαμά, 69Χ56 εκ.

Π-20-ΑΓΓΕΛΟΣ μας χαιρετά, 2020, μπλε ακρυλικό σε λευκό μουσαμά, 69Χ56 εκ.

"An Angel looking at Us through the Window", Drawing, "Windows" Series, Stamatis Skliris, 2014

"An Angel looking at Us through the Window", Drawing, "Windows" Series, Stamatis Skliris, 2014

With this drawing Fr Stamatis inaugurates a new series of icons. The depict usually a Saint who is projected to through our window and greets us in the Paradise. In some icons the Saints speak with us. They are ready to listen to our prayers and accept them.

Saint Panteleimon, Digital Paintings, Stamatis Skliris, 002

Saint Panteleimon, Digital Paintings, Samsung Galaxy Note II, 2014

An Angel Greeting Us, Stamatis Skliris, 003

An Angel Greeting Us, Stamatis Skliris

An Angel Greeting Us, Stamatis Skliris, 004

An Angel Greeting Us, Stamatis Skliris

An Angel Greeting Us, Stamatis Skliris, 005

An Angel Greeting Us, Stamatis Skliris

An Angel Greeting Us through the Window, Stamatis Skliris, 006

An Angel Greeting Us through the Window, Stamatis Skliris

An Angel Greeting Us through the Window, Stamatis Skliris

An Angel Greeting Us through the Window, acrylic on canvas, Stamatis Skliris, 008


An Angel Greeting Us through the Window, acrylic on canvas, 50x70, Porto Rafti, Thursday, January 22, 2015. Eκεί εκεί στον κόλπο του Πόρτο Ράφτη, στην γαλάζια μωβ Πύλη που μας βγάζει στο Αρχιπέλαγος, εκεί που η φαντασία ζηλεύει την πραγματικότητα καθώς το υγρό κσι το στερεό στοιχέιο ονομάζονται ευτυχισμένη ακροθαλασσιά, εκεί πέρασα το απόγευμα των χρυσών αντανακλάσεων ζωγραφίζοντας τον άγγελο της νύχτας να μας χαιρετά γελαστός. Είναι τόσο κοντινός μας που έχει απεκδυθή τα χρυσά βυζαντινά του ρούχα και μας κοιτάει πολυ βαθειά μέσα στο τριαντάφυλλο της καρδιάς μας καθώς μας ακούει από το ψυχικό μας αμέτρητο βάθος και μας απλώνει το χέρι λέγοντας "γειά σας είμαι εδώ κοντά σε ετοιμότητα αγάπης. Αν με χρειασθείτε κάπου εδώ κοντά θα είμαι".


Angels , 2015

Angel who greats us, Stamatis Skliris, 010

Angel who greats us, Stamatis Skliris, 010

Angel who greats us, Stamatis Skliris, 011

Angel who greats us

Angel Who Greets Us, drawing, Sacramento, August 29, 2015

Angel who greats us, Stamatis Skliris, 014

Angel who greets us, acrylic on canvas, Stamatis Skliris, 014

Angel on a wooden box, acrylic on wood, Stamatis Skliris, 015

Angel on a wooden box, acrylic on wood, 2018

An Angel who greets us, Stamatis Skliris, 016

An Angel who greets us

Angel of Victory, acrylic on canvas, Stamatis Skliris, 017

Angel of Victory, acrylic on canvas

Angel of Victory, acrylic on canvas, Stamatis Skliris, 018

Angel of Victory, acrylic on canvas, 2019

Angel of Victory, acrylic on canvas, Stamatis Skliris, 019

Angel of Victory, acrylic on canvas, 2019

Angels "Hello" Waving, acrylic on canvas, 2020


Angels "Hello" Waving, acrylic on canvas, 2020


Angels "Hello" Waving, acrylic on canvas, 2020

Author: Stamatis Skliris

Place Guarded by Angels, acrylic on canvas, Stamatis Skliris, 023

The Place Guarded by Angels, acrylic on canvas, 2020

Author: Stamatis Skliris

Angels are Greeting Us, Stamatis Skliris, Gallery IANO, 024

MONDAY 17 FEBRUARY. 8:30 pm, Gallery "IANO", Stadium 24, revealed the great truth that the angels and the saints are not indifferent. Painting exhibition by Gianni Nazlidis, with nine works of Fr. Stamatis Skliris under the general title Angels Are Greeting US.

Angels are Greeting us, Stamatis Skliris

MONDAY 17 FEBRUARY. 8:30 pm, Gallery "IANO", Stadium 24, revealed the great truth that the angels and the saints are not indifferent. Painting exhibition by Gianni Nazlidis, with nine works of Fr. Stamatis Skliris under the general title Angels Are Greeting US.

"An Angel Greeting Us", Stamatis Skliris, acrylic on canvas, 2020

"An Angel Greeting Us", Stamatis Skliris, acrylic on canvas, 2020

"An Angel Greeting Us", Stamatis Skliris, acrylic on canvas, 2020

"An Angel Greeting Us", Stamatis Skliris, acrylic on canvas, 2020

The Place Guarded by Angels, acrylic on canvas, 2020

The Place Guarded by Angels, acrylic on canvas, 2020

"Six-winged Angel", acrylic on cyclical canvas, 2020

"Six-winged Angel", acrylic on cyclical canvas, 2020

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