"Blessing of Unity: The Panagia and the Newlyweds", acrylic on board, fr. Stamatis Skliris, 2024

"Blessing of Unity: The Panagia and the Newlyweds", acrylic on board, fr. Stamatis Skliris, 2024

"The Panagia of Olives" (ΠΑΝΑΓΙΑ ΕΛΑΙΩΝΑ), wall painting,  Stamatis Skliris, 2022

"The Panagia of Olives" (ΠΑΝΑΓΙΑ ΕΛΑΙΩΝΑ), wall painting,  Stamatis Skliris, 2022

"The Panagia of Olives" (ΠΑΝΑΓΙΑ ΕΛΑΙΩΝΑ), wall painting,  Stamatis Skliris, 2022

"The Panagia of Olives" (ΠΑΝΑΓΙΑ ΕΛΑΙΩΝΑ), wall painting,  Stamatis Skliris, 2022

"Mother of God - Mother of Churches", wall-painting, Holy Archangel Church, Saratoga, CA, Stamatis Skliris, 2021

"Mother of God - Mother of Churches", wall-painting, Holy Archangel Church, Saratoga, CA, Stamatis Skliris, 2021

Panagia Quick to Hear (Παναγία η Γοργοϋπήκοος), acrylic on board, 2020, by Stamatis Skliris

Panagia Quick to Hear (Παναγία η Γοργοϋπήκοος), detail, acrylic on board, 2020, by Stamatis Skliris

Panagia Quick to Hear (Παναγία η Γοργοϋπήκοος), detail, acrylic on board, 2020, by Stamatis Skliris

Panagia Quick to Hear (Παναγία η Γοργοϋπήκοος), detail, acrylic on board, 2020, by Stamatis Skliris

St. Anna with the Little Panagia, acrylic on canvas, 2020

The Mother of God “Durmitorka”, 2015

The Mother of God “Eleousa”, Acrylic on board, 2019

The Mother of God “Eleousa”, Acrylic on board, 2019

Segnora Nostra - Queen of Los Angeles, Holy Archangel Church, Saratoga, CA, Stamatis Skliris, 2019

Segnora Nostra - Queen of Los Angeles, Holy Archangel Church, Saratoga, CA, Stamatis Skliris, 2019

The Panagia, acrylic on board, 2019

Saint Stylianos Small Chapel at the Institute of Children with special needs in Cholargos, Athens

The Mother of God with Christ, egg tempera on board, 2018

Panagia the Healer, acrylic on canvas 2018, detail. Icon made for Asclepion Hospital in Voula, Greece.

Panagia the Healer, acrylic on canvas 2018. Icon made for Asclepion Hospital in Voula, Greece.

The Panagia - the Joy of All, egg tempera on wooden board, 2018

The Mother of God, egg tempera on board, 2018

The Mother of God - Axion Estin Eleousa, Egg-tempera on wooden board, 2018 by Stamatis Skliris

The Mother of God - Axion Estin Eleousa, Egg-tempera on wooden board, detail, 2018 by Stamatis Skliris

The Mother of God - Axion Estin Eleousa, Egg-tempera on wooden board, detail, 2018 by Stamatis Skliris

The Panagia Protecting the Island of Cephalonia, 2017

"Tearful Mother of God", Egg tempera on wood, 2017

"The Panagia", Egg tempera on wood, 2017

"Panagia and Christ", Egg tempera on wood, 2017

Panagia and Christ, egg tempera on wood, 2017

Saint Nektarios Church, 2016

"Panagia the Hope", 2015

Hodegetria, acrylic on wood, Santa Barbara, 2015

Theotokos of the Life-Giving Spring, Egg tempera on wood

"The Cave Where Christ Was Born", Acrylic on canvas, Athens, 2011

This painting was placed as a type of graffiti on a wall in Athens on Christmas Day 2012, and was then detached from the wall and moved to Los Angeles. This is why it was painted with a simplicity of colors and shapes, almost like a kid's drawing, which helped passersby grasp it at first glance. The atmosphere that it exudes echoes the spirit of Christmas. In addition, on the surface of the landscapes of this painting, we are reminded of how nature, the landscape with its rocks and caves provided man's first home. And this again shows God's endless humility, to be born in such a primitive home, as was the cave of Bethlehem.

The Theotokos, "Champion General", 

The Theotokos, The Ship of Rescue, acrylic on canvas, 2007.

Panagia "More Spacious than the Heavens", acrylic on canvas, 2007.

Panagia Glykofiloussa, acrylic on canvas, 2009.

Panagia Odigitria, egg-tempera on wooden board, 2009. (photo taken before the icon was finished).

Theotokos “It is Truly Meet” (“Axion Estin”), (detail), egg tempera on wooden board, 1992. 

Theotokos “It is Truly Meet” (“Axion Estin”), egg tempera on wooden board, 1992. 

Panagia Glykofilousa, acrylic on canvas, 2009.

The Annunciation, egg tempera on wooden board, 1997. 

Mother of God, egg tempera on wooden board, 2007.

Mother of God, egg tempera on wooden board, 2007.


Panagia "the Paramythia", egg-tempera on wood, 2001.

Panagia "the Paramythia", egg-tempera on wood, 2001.

Theotokos “Glykofilousa”, egg tempera on wooden board, 2004.


Theotokos “Glykofilousa”, egg tempera on wooden board, 2004.

Theotokos “Kardiotissa”, egg tempera on wooden board, 2006.


Theotokos “Kardiotissa”, egg tempera on wooden board, 2006.


Theotokos “The Releaser from Pain,” egg tempera on wooden board, 2005. 

Theotokos “The Releaser from Pain,” egg tempera on wooden board, 2005. 

Theotokos “The Odigitria,” acrylic on wooden board, 2011. 

Theotokos “The Odigitria,” acrylic on wooden board, 2011. 

Theotokos the Mighty Protector, Athens, egg tempera on wooden board, 2005.

Theotokos the Mighty Protector, Athens, egg tempera on wooden board, 2005.

Panagia Glykofiloussa, Tempera on Paper, 2007, Belgrade. Own by Ana Perishich.

Panagia, „Rodon to Amaranton“, egg tempera on wooden board, 50 x 42 cm, 2007, Athens. Exposed at Aenaon Exhibit 2011 & Los Angeles 2010 exhibit in Pasadena. Own by Mario Pantazopoulos, Athens.

Saint Ana with Panagia, acrylic on wall, St George church in Stemnica, Greece. Painted by Stamatis Skliris and Athanasios Koutsipetsidis.

Saint Ana, egg tempera on wooden board, 70 x 50 cm, 2007.

The First Fr. Stamatis' Icon
1967, April 21

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