Christ Pantocrator, detail, Holy Prophet Elijah Church, acrylic on canvas, Kastela, Peireas, 2000

Annunciation, wall-painting, Holy Prophet Elijah, Kastela, Peireas, 2000

The Transfiguration of Christ – detail, Holy Prophet Elijah, Kastella-Piraeus, Greece.

The Transfiguration of Christ – detail, Holy Prophet Elijah, Kastella-Piraeus, Greece. Wall-painting by Stamatis Skliris, 1997. 

Palm Sunday, detail, Holy Prophet Elijah, Kastella-Piraeus, Greece. Wall-painting by Stamatis Skliris, 1997-2004.

The Mystical Supper, detail, Holy Prophet Elijah, Kastella-Piraeus, Greece. Wall-painting by Stamatis Skliris, 1997.

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