"Horses in the Rain (from the Film 'Andrei Rublev')", acrylics on canvas, 80x60 cm, Stamatis Skliris, 2023

"Horses in the Rain (from the Film 'Andrei Rublev')", acrylics on canvas, 80x60 cm, Stamatis Skliris, 2023

"Love, Heavenly and Earthly", acrylic on canvas, 2019

"Love, Heavenly and Earthly", acrylic on canvas, 2019

The painting captures a serene scene with a blue sky adorned with subtle gray shades. Two birds soar gracefully, their wings nearly touching in a tender kiss, symbolizing a moment of heavenly love. Against the vibrant backdrop of green and strong red hues, two other birds stand on the earth, focused on seeking sustenance, portraying the contrast between earthly love's practical concerns and the purity of celestial love. Created in 2019, the artwork poignantly illustrates the divergence between love untethered from life's necessities and love shaped by the pursuit of survival.

"At the Feet of the Shepherds Ram Gazes Ecstatically", acrylic on canvas, 2023

"At the Feet of the Shepherds Ram Gazes Ecstatically", acrylic on canvas, 2023

“Psychotherapist and Psychotherapeuted (healed),” acrylic on canvas, 2009, 100x70 Π141. Ο Ψυχοθεραπευτής και Ψυχοθεραπευόμενος ΙΙ, 2009, ακρυλικό σε μουσαμά, 100*70

“Psychotherapist and Psychotherapeuted (healed),” acrylic on canvas, 2009, 100x70
Π141. Ο Ψυχοθεραπευτής και Ψυχοθεραπευόμενος ΙΙ, 2009, ακρυλικό σε μουσαμά, 100*70

‘Μέθη στο αμπέλι’, 2020, ακρυλικό σε μουσαμά, 77*62

‘Μέθη στο αμπέλι’, 2020, ακρυλικό σε μουσαμά, 77*62

"Bloom", acrylic on canvas, 150X95 cm, Stamatis Skliris, 2019

"Bloom", acrylic on canvas, 150X95 cm, Stamatis Skliris, 2019

"Marigolds 4", acrylic on canvas, Stamatis Skliris, 2023

"Marigolds 4", acrylic on canvas, Stamatis Skliris, 2023

"Marigolds 3", acrylic on canvas, Stamatis Skliris, 2023

"Marigolds 3", acrylic on canvas, Stamatis Skliris, 2023

"Marigolds 2", acrylic on canvas, Stamatis Skliris, 2023

"Marigolds 2", acrylic on canvas, Stamatis Skliris, 2023

"Marigolds", canvas on souls plat, Stamatis Skliris, 2022

"Marigolds", canvas on souls plat, Stamatis Skliris, 2022

In a state of absolute simplicity of soul and body, I painted our marigolds within a quarter in complete awareness, where "I wasn't searching, rather I had found it."

"Two Friendly Lemons", acrylic on canvas, Stamatis Skliris, Neo Psychiko 27-11-2021

"Two Friendly Lemons", acrylic on canvas, Stamatis Skliris, Neo Psychiko 27-11-2021

When the death was coming back, the table lifts two lemons on its shoulders and together with the ominous red back wall delimits a space experienced with seriousness and perhaps patience. Although the lemons are shiny, their skin looks tormented. And they each have a snout that half-bends and this crouch creaks in our soul as if they are kneeling with patient obedience to their destiny to squeeze and throw themselves out loud. They still stand dour and vigorous, promising awakening and liveliness. But their beak goes to sting their shadow, which they know as a fleeting and non-existent echo of two passing beings ... Every shadow is as fleeting as the being that causes it.
Father Stamatis Skliris

"Story About a Very Sensitive Rose, or the Rose and Its Company"

"Wild Horses of Mongolia", acrylic on canvas, March 2021, Stamatis Skliris

Landscapes and beasts
Last night at 2 am (May 24, 2020) I drew the plans and then painted the canvas and called it “O GEROS TIGRIS”. Then I wrote on the back of the funny painting the (supposedly) ancient saying “he who gives landscape, gives also the beasts” and I signed it as “Anaximandrophilus Piraeus, end of the 1st century BC”, meaning the philosophy of the decline of Greco-Roman times.

A Vase with "Three Colors", acrylic on canvas, Stamatis Skliris, 2020

"Tropical Landscape", Stamatis Skliris, acrylic on canvas, 2020

"Goat", acrylic on canvas, 2020

"Goat", acrylic on canvas, 2020

A tree, blossoming... acrylic on canvas, 2019

Wonder Lake, acrylic on canvas, 2019 by Stamatis Skliris and Kosta Bojovic

Wild Horse, acrylic on canvas, 2012

Dolphin, Little Dolphin, acrylic on canvas, 2019

А Shellfish with a Little Fish, acrylic on canvas, 2019

Basket with Fruits, 2018

Basket with Fruits, detail, 2018

Basket with Fruits, detail, 2018

Basket with Fruits, detail, 2018

"It's Flourished" (a vase with flowers), acrylic on canvas, Stamatis Sklirs 2019

St Maximus the Confessor with a bird and a fish, detail, acrylic on cardboard, 2018

St Maximus the Confessor with a bird and a fish, detail, acrylic on cardboard, 2018

An Indian on a White Horse, 2018

An Indian on a White Horse, detail, 2018

The Paradisiacal, acrylic on canvas, 2018

"An Orange Who Gives All", acrylic on board, 2018

"Starfish on Red Sand", acrylic on canvas, 2018

"A Shellfish and a Fish", Egg tempera on wood, 2017

"Basket of fruit", acrylic on board, 2015

"Gold Ram", Acrylic with kauchuk rubber, 1997

A Pine with Three Cypresses, 13 x 5.6 cm, a very small miniature, encaustic

"The Dynamic Mother Earth and Horses", Acrylic on canvas, Athens, 2012.

Wild Horses of Indians galloping Arizona, on the very crust of the earth, while beneath them is personified the Mother Earth of Native Indians. The eye of the painter sees the surface of the landscape and understands that even in the most primal and deserted corners man exists.

The veranda with the melon is our home, our self. It symbolizes the joy of being home where we will cut the melon to taste the sweetness and to be refreshed. In front of us unfolds the great mystery of the whole planet, the green color which depicts the whole evolution of the planet. How did the great land (continents) and the great seas (oceans) become? And immediately the question arises how the sea calls us as a “temptation” to leave the melon (our family dining table) to look for better goods somewhere else, and metaphorically to become “land sailors” (figurative researchers who discover the mystery of the planet). And then, on the horizon will be revealed to us the great horizon where we will leave the earthly and temporarily to win the heavenly and eternal.

“Fruits of the Fire”, acrylic on canvas 2010, 50x70 Π133 - Φρούτα της φωτιάς, 2010, ακρυλικό σε μουσαμά, 50*70

“Fruits of the Fire”, acrylic on canvas 2010, 50x70
Π133 - Φρούτα της φωτιάς, 2010, ακρυλικό σε μουσαμά, 50*70

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