А series of works that I painted while I was hospitalized in the "HYGEIA" hospital for about two weeks with minimal painting tools. Obviously, I had a crazy passion for painting, or rather I was casting off evil by escaping into the secret world of artistic creation. I express infinite gratitude to the couple Theodorou and Elena VENIAMI, to my doctors under the direction of Professor Eleni Giamarelou, and to the staff who supported me and treated me with their loving care. I painted the present work on the sous plat where we were served breakfast.

"Freedom Gives an Example", acrylic on canvas, Stamatis Skliris, 2022

"Freedom Gives an Example", acrylic on canvas, Stamatis Skliris, 2022

"St. Andrew the First-Called", acrylic on canvas, Stamatis Skliris, 2022

"St. Andrew the First-Called", acrylic on canvas, Stamatis Skliris, 2022

"Lady Sacristan" (Η νεωκόρος), acrylic on canvas,  Stamatis Skliris, 2022

"Lady Sacristan" (Η νεωκόρος), acrylic on canvas,  Stamatis Skliris, 2022

History records some people (because they are projected, thanks to their privilege status, within the hierarchy, such as bishop), and others write history (discreetly from the background, such as this young woman). But without the Lady Sacristan (Neokoros in Greek churches), neither the bishop can function nor the ladies can offer the Prosphoro (bread for the Eucharist). Here the Lady Sacristan is painted at a particular moment when she greets the Saints in the darkness of the evening and then closes the Church.

"Whiteman Salutes Us with His Guitar Hand", acrylic on sous plat,  Stamatis Skliris, 2022

"Whiteman Salutes Us with His Guitar Hand", acrylic on sous plat,  Stamatis Skliris, 2022

The founding member of the longest-running band "Rolling Stones", Whiteman, salutes us with his guitar hand, painted on sous plat.

"Marigolds", canvas on souls plat,  Stamatis Skliris, 2022

"Marigolds", canvas on souls plat,  Stamatis Skliris, 2022

In a state of absolute simplicity of soul and body, I painted our marigolds within a quarter in complete awareness, where "I wasn't searching, rather I had found it."

"St. Porphyrios the Clairvoyant", acrylic on canvas,  Stamatis Skliris, 2022

"St. Porphyrios the Clairvoyant", acrylic on canvas,  Stamatis Skliris, 2022

I painted it in the hospital and gave it to my medical doctor, Professor Eleni Giamarelou.

"Holy Great Martyr Theodore", acrylic on canvas,  Stamatis Skliris, 2022

"Holy Great Martyr Theodore", acrylic on canvas,  Stamatis Skliris, 2022

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