By Fr. Stamatis Skliris

It is fitting to conclude with a consideration of the frescoes that were begun in 2006 and completed in 2010, to which the Symposium attendees and participants were treated during the Divine Liturgy that accompanied the consecration of the church at the conclusion of the Symposium. The frescoes are a pictorial cycle representingthe theologyof the Confessor, which is, of course, the theology of the Church. Other frescoes are due to follow. Bishop Ignatius (Midić) of Branicevo, a specialist in Saint Maximus whopenned a thesis on his ecclesiology at the University of Athens, masterminded the approach to depicting visually St. Maximus’s teachings.


Οι τοιχογραφίες άρχισαν το 2006 και ολοκληρώθηκαν το 2010. Είναι ένας εικονογραφικός κύκλος, ο οποίος αφορά στη θεολογική διδασκαλία του Αγίου Μαξίμου. Αργότερα θα ζωγραφισθούν τα υπόλοιπα θέματα. Το δύσκολο ήταν να αισθητοποιηθή ζωγραφικά κάτι από τη διδασκαλία του Αγίου. Η ιδέα ήταν του Επισκόπου Βρανιτσέβου κου Ιγνατιου (Μίντιτς), ο οποίος είναι ειδικός στον Άγιο Μα΄ξιμο, έγραψε στην Θεολογική Σχολή Αθηνών Διατριβή με θέμα η Εκκλησιολογία του Αγίου Μαξίμου του Ομολογητού.


Отац Стаматис Склирис

Зидно сликарство у овој цркви састоји се из три дела, која се морају сагледавати заједно јер, као три нише трију конхи, прожимају се и упућују један на други. Тумачење започиње од бочних ниша (апсида) и води од апсиде ка олтару. Свака од бочних апсида представља историјску чињеницу која ће своје коначно назначење пронаћи у Есхатону, тј. након историје, осликаном у олтарској апсиди. Северна ниша символично је означена као Алфа 1 а јужна као Алфа 2, јер обе указују на Крај. Средња ниша је изнад олтара и обележена је Омегом, јер она представља Есхатон ка коме воде остале нише.

Sanctification of the Waters, detail, The Church Of Saint Maximus, Kostolac

Sanctification of the Waters, detail, The Church Of Saint Maximus, Kostolac

Sanctification of the Waters, detail, The Church Of Saint Maximus, Kostolac

Sanctification of the Waters, detail, The Church Of Saint Maximus, Kostolac

Celebration of the Resurrection in Kostolac, wall painting, church of St. Maximus, Kostolac, Stamatis Skliris, 2022

Celebration of the Resurrection in Kostolac, wall painting, Church of St. Maximus, Kostolac, Stamatis Skliris, 2022

Resurrection, wall painting, church of St. Maximus, Kostolac, Stamatis Skliris, 2022

Resurrection, wall painting, Church of St. Maximus, Kostolac, Stamatis Skliris, 2022

Resurrection and Celebration of the Resurrection in Kostolac, wall painting, church of St. Maximus, Kostolac, Stamatis Skliris, 2022

Resurrection and Celebration of the Resurrection in Kostolac, wall painting, Church of St. Maximus, Kostolac, Stamatis Skliris, 2022

Angels of the Resurrection, wall painting, church of St. Maximus, Kostolac, Stamatis Skliris, 2022

Angels of the Resurrection, wall painting, Church of St. Maximus, Kostolac, Stamatis Skliris, 2022

Crucifixion, detail, wall painting, church of St. Maximus, Kostolac, Stamatis Skliris, 2022

Crucifixion, detail, wall painting, Church of St. Maximus, Kostolac, Stamatis Skliris, 2022

Crucifixion, detail, wall painting, church of St. Maximus, Kostolac, Stamatis Skliris, 2022

Crucifixion, detail, wall painting, Church of St. Maximus, Kostolac, Stamatis Skliris, 2022

Crucifixion, wall painting, church of St. Maximus, Kostolac, Stamatis Skliris, 2022

Crucifixion, wall painting, Church of St. Maximus, Kostolac, Stamatis Skliris, 2022


The Eucharistic way of life, detail, south apse, St Maximus Church in Kostolac, Serbia; Wall-Painting by Stamatis Skliris, 2006-2010.

St Demetrios and St George, south apse, St Maximus Church in Kostolac, Serbia; Wall-Painting by Stamatis Skliris, 2006-2010.

The Eucharistic way of life, detail, south apse, St Maximus Church in Kostolac, Serbia; Wall-Painting by Stamatis Skliris, 2006-2010.

The Eucharistic way of life, detail, south apse, St Maximus Church in Kostolac, Serbia; Wall-Painting by Stamatis Skliris, 2006-2010.

Creation of Adam and Eve, detail from Creation of the World, St Maximus Church in Kostolac, Serbia; Wall-Painting by Stamatis Skliris, 2006-2010.

Creation of Adam and Eve, detail from Creation of the World, St Maximus Church in Kostolac, Serbia; Wall-Painting by Stamatis Skliris, 2006-2010.

Creation of Adam and Eve, detail from Creation of the World, St Maximus Church in Kostolac, Serbia; Wall-Painting by Stamatis Skliris, 2006-2010.

Creation of Adam and Eve, detail from Creation of the World, St Maximus Church in Kostolac, Serbia; Wall-Painting by Stamatis Skliris, 2006-2010.

Christ's robe, detail from Creation of the World, St Maximus Church in Kostolac, Serbia; Wall-Painting by Stamatis Skliris, 2006-2010.

Christ's robe, detail from Creation of the World, St Maximus Church in Kostolac, Serbia; Wall-Painting by Stamatis Skliris, 2006-2010.

The planet (asteroid) of the Little Prince, detail from Creation of the World, St Maximus Church in Kostolac, Serbia; Wall-Painting by Stamatis Skliris, 2006-2010.

The planet (asteroid) of the Little Prince, detail from Creation of the World, St Maximus Church in Kostolac, Serbia; Wall-Painting by Stamatis Skliris, 2006-2010.

Christ, the Creator of the Universe, detail from Creation of the World, St Maximus Church in Kostolac, Serbia; Wall-Painting by Stamatis Skliris, 2006-2010.

The Creator of the Universe, detail from Creation of the World, St Maximus Church in Kostolac, Serbia; Wall-Painting by Stamatis Skliris, 2006-2010.

The Creator of the Universe, detail from Creation of the World, St Maximus Church in Kostolac, Serbia; Wall-Painting by Stamatis Skliris, 2006-2010.

The Creator of the Universe, detail from Creation of the World, St Maximus Church in Kostolac, Serbia; Wall-Painting by Stamatis Skliris, 2006-2010.

The Creator of the Universe, detail from Creation of the World, St Maximus Church in Kostolac, Serbia; Wall-Painting by Stamatis Skliris, 2006-2010.

The Creator of the Universe, detail from Creation of the World, St Maximus Church in Kostolac, Serbia; Wall-Painting by Stamatis Skliris, 2006-2010.

North Apse, Creation of the World, St Maximus Church in Kostolac, Serbia; Wall-Painting by Stamatis Skliris, 2006-2010.

Adam and Eve and the planet (asteroid) of the Little Prince, detail from Creation of the World, St Maximus Church in Kostolac, Serbia; Wall-Painting by Stamatis Skliris, 2006-2010.

THE LITTLE PRINCE - english ebook

Adam and Eve, detail from Creation of the World, St Maximus Church in Kostolac, Serbia; Wall-Painting by Stamatis Skliris, 2006-2010.

Adam and Eve, detail from Creation of the World, St Maximus Church in Kostolac, Serbia; Wall-Painting by Stamatis Skliris, 2006-2010.

Adam, detail from Creation of the World, St Maximus Church in Kostolac, Serbia; Wall-Painting by Stamatis Skliris, 2006-2010.

Adam and Eve, detail from Creation of the World, St Maximus Church in Kostolac, Serbia; Wall-Painting by Stamatis Skliris, 2006-2010.

Adam and Eve, detail from Creation of the World, St Maximus Church in Kostolac, Serbia; Wall-Painting by Stamatis Skliris, 2006-2010.

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