Saint Ana, egg tempera on wooden board, 70 x 50 cm, 2007.

Saint Ana with Panagia, acrylic on wall, St George church in Stemnica, Greece. Painted by Stamatis Skliris and Athanasios Koutsipetsidis.

Panagia Glykofiloussa, Tempera on Paper, 2007, Belgrade. Own by Ana Perishich.

Panagia, „Rodon to Amaranton“, egg tempera on wooden board, 50 x 42 cm, 2007, Athens. Exposed at Aenaon Exhibit 2011 & Los Angeles 2010 exhibit in Pasadena. Own by Mario Pantazopoulos, Athens.

Theotokos the Mighty Protector, Athens, egg tempera on wooden board, 2005.

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